I haven’t been out of our property for three weeks but it has been absolutely fine. I’m extraordinarily lucky to have a big garden and a list of jobs as long as my arm.
The potager shed
All in Garden
I haven’t been out of our property for three weeks but it has been absolutely fine. I’m extraordinarily lucky to have a big garden and a list of jobs as long as my arm.
..that’s it, the 2020 growing season has begun. Over the past couple of days we’ve repaired all the holes in the greenhouse.
While we were in Melbourne we had the most delicious watermelon at a family barbecue, the like of which I hadn’t seen before. It was citrussy, with more flavour than a standard red watermelon.
I’ve been away on my holidays in Australia since mid-December so the garden has had to look after itself. I’m happy to say that an hour’s tidying up and a bit of light hoeing had it all back in shape.
5:30am. Yep, that’s what time this creature woke me up with a very loud and repetitive call. It seemed right outside the window so I searched around for a recording app on my iPhone which isn’t easy when you’ve taken your contact lenses out.
Image: Getty Images
You know how it is. You go to the asian supermarket and buy a bunch of lemongrass when all your recipe calls for is one stalk. Here’s what to do with the rest.
On Wednesday 23 October we had the heaviest rainfall ever recorded here in Occitanie. 260 litres per square metre fell in ten hours.
All summer I’ve been thinking how lovely it would be to have breakfast or brunch with friends in the vegetable garden.
The 40℃+ heatwave resulted in some of the tomatoes, quite literally, cooking on the vine.
Ali & I have just taken a brief four day break in Genoa which is just a six hour drive along the south coast of France, then a wiggle around the Ligurian coastline.
My great aunt Kath & grandma Vera both used to make prized blackcurrant jelly. Mum said it was too much of a faff,
I’ve just spent a very pleasurable morning giving a kitchen garden workshop to Jules, Miles & Joss.
….call it what you will. This is a wonderful addition to the kitchen garden.
Now that Open Gardens is over for at least another year I can ease off the pressure.
We opened our garden on the mornings of 10 & 11 May, then all day on Sunday 12 May.