Just the thing for an autumn supper. Inexpensive, tasty, store-cupboard comfort food.
The potager shed
All in Recipes
Just the thing for an autumn supper. Inexpensive, tasty, store-cupboard comfort food.
We have butternuts, carrots, shallots, spinach, parsley and borlotti beans from the garden at the moment, so this heart-warming soup uses them in perfect harmony.
At the moment we have a bit of a glut of mustard greens, so here’s a good way of using this peppery vegetable which is so green and lush it just has to be good for you.
No proving, no yeast, no waiting, no bother. The easiest bread ever in less than 50 minutes.
Yes, you read that correctly, soup using cauliflower leaves. If you buy cauliflowers in shops the pickers will have removed the leaves in the field during the harvest. However, if you grow your own you will have an abundance of leaves. Every head of cauliflower is surrounded by huge leaves.
There is something deeply satisfying about making a dish using as many ingredients from the garden as possible. Here I used cauliflower, butternut squash and onions from the garden and served it with home-made mango chutney.
You know how it is. You go to the asian supermarket and buy a bunch of lemongrass when all your recipe calls for is one stalk. Here’s what to do with the rest.
Ever since I was a child I’ve found it impossible to eat curry without mango chutney. We have curry often as my four drawers of spices attest.
All summer I’ve been thinking how lovely it would be to have breakfast or brunch with friends in the vegetable garden.
This evening we’re invited to a big birthday party. We’re taking a dish of cour-bhajis and some chilli dipping sauce. I really hope people enjoy them as much as we did while I was cooking. There were a lot more than in the photo but we couldn’t resist eating them as they came out of the fryer.
The 40℃+ heatwave resulted in some of the tomatoes, quite literally, cooking on the vine.
My great aunt Kath & grandma Vera both used to make prized blackcurrant jelly. Mum said it was too much of a faff,
We currently have lots of new potatoes, carrots, onions and peas coming out of the kitchen garden.
….call it what you will. This is a wonderful addition to the kitchen garden.
At this time of the year we are spoilt for choice when it comes to produce to cook.
This dish is a sort of chuck-it-in-the-oven-and-forget-it kind of a recipe.