The potager shed

The potager shed

Carrot & Camembert tart with luscious peas & roasted sweet potatoes

Carrot & Camembert tart with luscious peas & roasted sweet potatoes

At this time of the year we are spoilt for choice when it comes to produce to cook.


Today I decided to make the most of what I’d grown so here’s what I cooked:

Carrot & Camembert tart with luscious peas & roasted sweet potatoes

Carrot & Camembert tart with luscious peas & roasted sweet potatoes

Roasted sweet potato chips


Two orange sweet potatoes - the white ones are gross.

Olive oil

Salt flakes


Fresh coriander, chopped


Peel and cut the sweet potatoes into chips

Toss with olive oil and salt

Chuck into an oven at 200 fan 180 ordinary for an hour or so.

Toss halfway through

Serve tossed with chopped coriander

Carrot & Camembert tart


Pre-made feuilleté pastry

Lots of home-grown baby carrots

Dijon mustard

1/2 a Camembert

Sprigs of lemon thyme

Olive oil

Salt flakes


Line a tart tin with the pastry still on its paper

Smear with Dijon mustard

Slice bits of Camembert and place evenly on tart base

Toss carrots with salt and olive oil & distribute evenly on the cheese and pastry

Lay sprigs of thyme on top

Chuck in the oven for 35 minutes

Luscious peas, beans and lettuce


Freshly podded home-grown peas & field beans - enough for two

Lettuce leaves

Fresh young white onion

Olive oil

Dessert spoon butter

2 tbsps vegetable stock

Salt & pepper


Sauté the finely sliced onion in butter & olive oil

Chuck in the peas, beans & vegetable stock and simmer with a lid on for four minutes. Take the lid off & simmer for a further two minutes. Add lettuce, stir and leave to rest off the heat for a minute. Season and serve.

Serve everything and feel smug because this is deliciously awesome.

June is busting out all over.

June is busting out all over.

Take the foot off the gas

Take the foot off the gas