The potager shed
1 June 2019
Last of the field beans
1 June 2019
Salad, agretti & radish
3 June 2019
4 June 2019
Salad, radish, strawberries, agretti, chard, kale, spinach, parsley, Colleen potatoes & Jessy sugar snap peas. Dinner for 20 tonight!
9 June 2019
Strawberries, sugar snap peas, carrots, Colleen potatoes & red ursa kale
11 June 2019
Salad, radish, onion, coriander & nasturtium
12 June 2019
Carrots & Jessy sugar snap peas
12 June 2019
Spinach & agretti
12 June 2019
Lots of roses
12 June 2019
Gaillardia & Shasta daisies, from seed
15 June 2019
Salad, Jessy peas, Jersey Royals (International Kidney potatoes) onions, garlic & three cherry tomatoes
16 June 2019
Jersey Royals, Jessy sugar snap peas, strawberries, radishes, salad & onions.
17 June 2019
Kale, red chard, New Zealand spinach, coriander, basil, parsley & onion to make Persian Kuku for pals for supper.
18 June 2019
Maris Piper
20 June 2019
Lemons, peas & carrots
20 June 2019
Several kilos of sweet white onions, ready for drying. Average size 7cms across. The best I’ve ever grown.
20 June 2019
Garlic scapes to sauté in butter.
24 June 2019
Courgette, onion, radish, garlic, peas & tomatoes all destined for a tart.
24 June 2019
Loquats, tangy, sweet, juicy & delicious with meringues and a drizzle of blackcurrant jelly!
29 June 2019
Tomatoes cooked on the vine by 40 degree temperatures, patty pan squash, courgette, spinach & red chard
30 June 2019
15kg Maris Pipers & 2kg Kerr’s Pink potatoes, Le Couvent runner beans, peas, radishes, garlic, beetroot and a few volunteer red potatoes from last year.