A family effort
We had a great day’s gardening yesterday. My nephew Josh came over to do a major strimming session. The ride-on mower has been out of order for about a week and in the meantime the grass had grown as high as an elephant’s eye. It’s a huge space to do with a strimmer, so although Josh worked at it all day, there’s still a little bit left to do. I’m happy to do that myself.
The lovely Harriet!
The real bonus was that Josh’s fiancée, Harriet, asked if she could come too. Amazingly she offered to help with weeding. For that she deserves a sainthood. We worked together all day and got my worst job done in a few hours. I’ve had weeding help from Ali all this week too, so the garden is looking really lovely and there isn’t too much weeding left to do.
Harriet and Josh went off with a basket of goodies from the vegetable garden and the greenhouse and my eternal gratitude.
The final icing on the cake was the mower repair company phoning to say it was ready for collection at the end of the day. Not much wrong with it. I had forgotten to lift the cutting blade, hence the security sensors preventing the machine from starting. What a fool I am.
Thanks team!