It might be rainy but.......
…the garden’s looking good and every plant is appreciating the weather. We’ve had intermittent but steady rain on two of the past three days which, coupled with much warmer nights, has resulted in astonishing growth. I’m getting seriously worried that the grass will get too high to cut before the mower comes back from the repair shop.
Although the weather is pretty grey, there is lots of colour in the garden.
In the vegetable garden we are picking loads of salads, rhubarb, herbs, broad beans and baby turnips which were multi-sown. i.e. I sowed maybe four or five seeds in each module then planted them out in one block. I am now picking the largest turnip from each clump by gently twisting it away, without disturbing the soil or the remaining plants.
Baby turnips, broad beans and coriander picked this morning.
Meanwhile the pear tree that we saved from the river during a huge flood a few years ago is obviously happy to have been rescued from the mud.
I still have all of the courgettes, sweetcorn, cornichons, melons, peppers and aubergines to plant out, but the vegetable garden is full! I’m going to have to think outside the box.
I was listening to The Dry by Jane Harper