Despite being the biggest of the three hens when we bought them last September, Brighton the Sussex hen, unlike the other two, did not lay. Apparently this breed can take up to a year to start laying. Typically hens don’t lay much at all during the winter months so imagine my surprise when I found an egg in their nestbox this morning.
Now I know this comes from Brighton-the-hen because Blucia lays blue eggs. This isn’t just any old egg either. Look at it beside a normal, shop-bought large organic egg. I’m sure that must have given her a shock although she’s made no fuss.
Brighton’s first egg on the left.
Here it is in a normal egg cup.
If anyone went to Chelsea College of Physical Education, Eastbourne, during the 1970’s you’ll recognise the egg cup that was liberated, along with another one, in about 1976. The teacher training college has been subsumed into Brighton University but the egg cups live on in the south of France.